Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Found another Great Place to Find Authors

Shayla Black is one I have been hearing about and that brought me to here. Under the Covers, well I do read before I go to bed but I don't think I will be reading under the covers in this heat. Not by the looks of the covers on these books. Don't think I will need covers all through the winter. Those who know me understand I love to joke. I'm told she is a great author and I see some others here that I've read interviews on that I have read the books so I'm going to see if I can go find some of Shayla's books now . I'm hungry oh I just got home from the dentist thats why. hehehe.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Another Great Author and Contest Eve Silver

Before I do the usual blab about the great author I read a review about there is a contest I found for a new book coming out on my BIRTHDAY. The author is Eve Silver the title is Body of Sin. Well its not exactly what you think. I've read some of her other book Sins of the Soul . Underworld and Soul stealing with some romance thrown in I'm sure you have to have love right? What's the world Over or Under without Love? So I'm adding all the rest to my Goodreads list . Thank my sons for my new toy they got me my bday present early a Kindle . I wasn't so sure I wanted one since I love the library the smell of books and spending time with Hubby and his modeling the cover poses while the people look at him strange . I even had him take out books on his card and the ladies would give him looks because most of the guys didn't have shirts on he didn't care he never noticed. Kept saying why do they think its weird I'm reading hehehe. So now I can get them sooner. Love you boys xoxoxo

Friday, July 22, 2011

Found another Author to Read today Thea Harrison

Today in my travels while it was so hot and humid here in Philly. While poor Hubby was out in the heat on the street playing with the fire engines I was sitting nice and cool in front of the computer in between reading First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones. Getting ready for her chat interview on Sunday hoping to get to the free book I won on Goodreads Second Grave on the Left. Really enjoying this book its funny and upbeat.

Thanks again Facebook and my reading groups and pages for helping me find all these good reads. I haven't read an interview about THEA HARRISON yet will have to check and see if she is going to be featured on Bookmonster reviews or Literal Additions Pananormal book club really LOVE those sites great info there . She is coming out with another book on Aug. 2 and giving readers a chance to win a copy. I just love contests and you don't even have to answer a question right. The covers of her books are really handsome so of course guys are one them . Not sure but I think the series which I LOVE series you know me well some don't but I gotta read them all starts with Dragon Bound . I love dragons I'm hoping these are shifters because I read some where someone writes about shifters like in TrueBlood and they are dragons WOW neat huh? Then Serpent's Kiss well sounds like a dragon to me. I get thrown off by Heart's Storm but since I haven't read any yet I better go see if the libray has any before my next run. Now back to the book and I'm crocheting a baby blanket for my son's friend who is due in 15 no 14 days I haven't got a chance with the heat and I'd rather be reading right now.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Book Monster Reviews is Wonderful why you wonder?

They do these super great interviews with authors that write wonderful books that I enjoy reading. Some might not like but I really enjoy them. They ask really good questions to the authors and they answer them with answers that are from the heart . You really get to know about them how they write or decide on a character or theme how they grew up. Who their favorite characters are or were growing up even. Some even said that they enjoyed putting their feet up and having a beer. Made you feel like you were right in the room with them. But it even gets better because at the end you get to try and win a book. Sometimes they are signed copies even. All you have to do is leave a comment . I guess if you don't want to read the question and answers you don't have to but just leave a comment its fine but I enjoy reading them. I won my first book today . A signed copy. I haven't read the author yet. I do have two of her books here that I got out of the library . I also plan on having Jowe do a video to win something else after I read both books but we will get into that later. So if you love to read as I do I'd say check out Book Monster Reviews great place to go.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I've been Reading alot lately inbetween crocheting

Of course they are supernatural books what else .